“Young people are not as productive on average” so don’t deserve pay rise #WorthMore

We are  disappointed by Tory Minister Matthew Hancock’s comments about the reasons the Living Wage is available to only those people aged 25 years or older. Hancock

To say that most young people under the age of 25 are unproductive is a huge kick in the teeth for a generation of people.  It is hard enough to be a young person in the UK right now, the education system is a constantly changing landscape, youth unemployment remains far too high, living independently is out of reach for so many and being in a position to buy a home seems like an impossibility.

So why then with their 3 million apprenticeship targets have the Conservative government chosen to further undervalue young people? To say that this is a policy because of the majority is outrageous.  People of all ages can be productive or unproductive, people are after-all individuals.

Read more on what Hancock has said here.

A view from our 24 year old Youth Ambassador and Team Member Kenechi.

We are asking young people to share with us the reasons they think they are worth more than Matthew Hancock suggests. You can share a video like Kenechi, comment below or tweet us at @YEUK2012 and use #WorthMore

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